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« A Weekend With Vets | Main | Laddie's Leg Wound »

July 05, 2006


Wow! The last part of the story gave me the chills!

I hope those 3 you-know-whats were never able to "start over" and given the chance to abuse another wonderful creature. Ugh! Makes me so damn mad.

Wow, what a story.

Beautiful angel Goldie. Flash forward to March 2010 and the story of Bailey's love for you lead me back to this entry.

So wonderful to know the sweet life you are having, Goldie.

Dillon's lump served its purpose: it got you into the vet's office to save Goldie. It was not necessary after that.
What an amazing and touching story. I just discovered your site and blog and have been reading the entire blog from the start. Your posts make my heart soar and break my heart.
They also made me realize that angels wear blue jeans.

Reading this brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful new life for Goldie - blessed by angels!

You're an angel for taking Goldie, Steve! Sounds like Dillon got a special, healing visit from his angel too.
Perfect ending. :-)

Bless you, Dr. Mooers, and staff when you all helped save Goldie and, of course, Steve was at the right place at the right time. We love you Goldie!

I loved reading about Goldie rescue! She is so precious! Keep up the great work your ranch does for these beautiful critters!

What an amazing story! Goldie was meant to be yours, & she had devine intervention on her side.
ginger & Tobias

"Things always happen for a reason" demonstrated once again. Dillon's lump and Goldie's jump, to you! Thank you for being what those three men were not. :-)

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