Somewhere along the way in the past few months, blind Callie the Dachshund decided she'd be a personal groomer for the other dogs. She loves to give their backs a careful going-over, licking them clean. Oddly, she ONLY does backs ... nothing else, please. And she focuses only on the big dogs, for some reason, like Helen our blind 105-lb Rottweiler or Kenai our blind Lab.
I took this photo yesterday afternoon when I saw Callie busily grooming Kenai again in our dining room. (Well, it's more 'dog room' than 'dining room,' as you can see.) Callie gets very intense and focused on this, and she will groom away as long as the other dog lies still.
In the background is Widget, sleeping as usual. (Have you ever seen an "action" shot of Widget?) Underneath the cot is all the stuffing from a soft toy that Kenai shredded yesterday morning while lying on that same cot. (It's odd what you notice in your own house AFTER you take a photo!)
The bedding piled on top of the Rubbermaid tub is for Bailey the miniature Dachshund. Because he has some incontinence "issues," we have to keep fresh bedding on hand to change out a couple of times a day.
(An aside: I just ran the blog spellchecker and it helpfully suggested replacing "Rottweiler" with "Rototiller." Hmm.)
(Click on photo for larger image.)
Ah, the wonders of spell check. Gotta love it. That made me chuckle. :)
Posted by: Stacy Quasebarth | November 14, 2006 at 10:05 PM
Looks like everyone is settling in for the winter. Keeping busy and enjoying the cozy warmth of home.
Posted by: Karen SA/TX | November 14, 2006 at 10:05 PM
What a precious photo! Yes, I often find that my house is a mess after I take photos of Tobias.
You know there are places in the ocean that big fish go to be cleaned by smaller fish, so I'm wondering if this is basically the same thing.
Maybe Callie figures this is her way of earning her keep.
Hugs to all,
ginger & Tobias
Posted by: ginger & Tobias (the greythound) | November 14, 2006 at 04:56 PM
Cleanliness is next to Callieness, she seems to be saying!
What a hoot this was, and she only cleans backs; that's quirky!
I love to see the animals everyday antics and sleeping positions; it fills my day with sunshine no matter what the skies look like outside!
Posted by: Leilani | November 14, 2006 at 09:39 AM