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« Animal Rescue TV Show With Story On Ranch Now Online | Main | Just In Time For Christmas: Oliver & Twist. And Another Cat, Too. »

December 18, 2007


Dillion is certainly a comfy pillow!! Cute photo!

Dillon is a magnet of sleeping comfort. What a sweetheart he is for sharing his warmth for those that join him. I love these pics of him with his groupies.
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

That is so sweet. I'ts as if they know Dillion is older and needs the T.L.C.. It's probably what keeps him going.

So sweet & cozy. I would curl up this gang any day (that is if my Annie & Katie didn't mind, :)
Stay warm!

Dear, old Dillon is so patient with his housemates. He looks like a real love. I once had an elderly, three-legged golden retriever that had Dillon's personality. Even my cats loved him as a heating pad/pillow, and he never minded.

My cats all liked to curl up with my older cat JD. He in turn would curl up with the dogs. Quite the picture with all of them together. Dillon is probably enjoying the company and the warmth himself!

AAAWWWW - makes me feel good to see such a happy scene. Animals know how to enjoy life!! Happy Holidays RDR - from one of your fans -- :<)

This does look pretty snuggly!
It's much easier to get comfortable when you have more than 2 legs; my cat sleeps between my legs at night so I awake with a fresh new backache everyday. ha..ha...

Seasons Greetings to every one. May Santa grant your every hope and wish. What a picture. Dillon seems to be very accepting of his bed mates (large or small ) and good old Callie seems to know the best spot for her, like ALL doxies!!!! Looks like Callie is still a 'mite on the plump side. Well, Some of us just enjoy our food more than others and more of it. Oh my!!! Merry Christmas and best wishes for a GOOD New Year

Dillon doesn't mind, just as long as they don't try to warm their cold feet on his warm belly!

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