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« One Suture At A Time. Or, Minion In The Making? | Main | Getting The Hay In The Barn »

July 14, 2008


Wow Herbie, look at you go!! I wonder if he'd be afraid of heights if he could actually see how high up he is. Something tells me no!!

They sure keep you on your toes, don't they??? I am considering a similar enclosure at my house...thanks for letting us know how ingenious (and persistent) they are! We will plan accordingly, lol!

I love Herbie!!! What an guy! Give him kudos for trying. By the way, how is Peewee doing? and Bobbie?

When we were volunteering in May I pointed out to my husband the gap and he said--"oh the cats will never get there or they would have to be Houdini.” Sorry we didn’t tell you Steve---so, this blog really made me smile to think of love bug Herbie being so smart! He’s got PERSONALITY PLUS!!!

Who says handicapped animals can't have fun?!?!?!?! The 2008 Animal Hospital of Maple Valley Rolling Dog Ranch Donation Drive (say that 10 times fast) is in full swing!!! Hopefully we do better than last year!!!

Herbie's climbing exploits remind me of my very dear, now deceased blind cat's adventures. He was the most courageous of all my cats, sometimes to the point of rashnesss, just like sweet Herbie.

I bet Herbie would tolerate a harness if it meant someone would take him out for walks. I have a red explorer also.

What a handsome acrobat!!! Brave one, too!!

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