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« Goldie's Chemotherapy | Main | Togetherness »

September 03, 2008


Love little Bailey! Too cute. My poodle/doxie mix is quite the blanket monster himself. He ends up like Bailey too - I don't know how he does it, but he gets any blanket completely wrapped around him! Great picture.

Too cute! Priceless facial expression! Hope it is not a sign that this coming winter will be an extremely cold one?!

Doxies are awesome!! What a cute pic. Mine like to burrow in covers as well. Keep up the great work.

Baron must definitely be part Weiner dog. Once we get up in the morning, he'll go outside and do his business, then race inside and put himself back to bed underneath the covers!

Our doxie tries to bury herself, but we joke that she's missing the blanket burying gene. She tries and tries, then gives up in a defeated sighing lump. She has however trained us well to cover her up for her. ;)

My Jack Russsell does the same thing every morning. He hides because he doesn't want to get out of bed when we leave for work. I can make the bed and come home from work and Kipper has unmade the bed!! He does keep my feet warm at night in the winter! All of your critters will be looking for a place to snuggle soon!

Our dachshunds do that too. We have to have three free blankets on the sofa at all times. If two are occupied by dogs, and I am using one, I get "the stare" that says, "gimme the blanket!" And we live in Coastal GA where it is most definitely never cold!

Bailey's burrowing is a great sign that fall is coming!
If we're lucky maybe you can get the act on video. That would be something to see!

OMG How cute is that. You seem to have alot of animals that do magical things at night. I think you should just leave the video on all night to see how they really party.

So smart and cute!! BIG SMILE!!!

Oh that's so precious! Bailey is adorable! Keep warm little guy :)

Too cute!!!

What a riot! This has to be one of the cutest and most amusing photos ever.

What a funny pic! It would be great if you could capture this on video for those of us that aren't there to catch that action. It looks like Bailey is ready for winter, & whatever it may bring!
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Oh, that is so cute & so much talent! I love how he gets it all wrapped around him. My brother had 2 miniature dachsunds & he used to sit in his recliner chair & they would burrow one on each side of him. You could walk into his living room & sit down & start talking to him & not even see the 2 of them. All of a sudden one of them would pop up! It was very cute. He passed away a few years ago from cancer & he sat in his chair a lot during his illness & having those 2 guys by his side gave him lots of comfort.

If I didn't trust that honest face of yours, Steve, I would swear someone wrapped her up quite neatly !!!!!!!!!!!

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